Your gift to the Le Roi Community Foundation doesn't just support a single cause, today. It provides support to LOCAL groups doing charity work in your community, year after year after year.
To Donate
We accept donations of any amount, and unless otherwise specified by the donor, donations go into our unrestricted Community Fund. As a Community Foundation, one of our major tasks is to work with donors to create permanently endowed (named) funds. Named funds start at a minimum of $10,000.
To Donate by Cheque: Send a cheque to Le Roi Community Foundation P.O. Box 3 Trail, BC V1R 4L3. Be sure to include a return address.
To Donate by Credit Card: Visit Canada Helps Online. Canada Helps charges a small fee to cover the fee charged by the credit card company.
To learn about other ways to donate or about types of funds please visit our Donors page.
Trail Rotary Erickson Fund ... a short story
James Harlamovs Memorial Scholarship Fund
James was born in Romania to a mother who was very poor