Trail Rotary Erickson Fund

Carl Eric Gustav Erickson (a.k.a. Carl Erick Gustav Eriksson) was a former member of the Rotary Club of Trail.

On his passing in 1967 he resided at 2135 Argyle St., West Vancouver, BC. Erickson left his estate in trust to his wife Isabella Viola Erickson. In his will he also named a nephew, Kent Erickson (c/o Mrs. Elna Palmgren) and a niece, Irene Erikson (Toresdalsgaten 124, Goteborg, Sweden). On the passing of Erickson's wife in 1990, his will called for the residue of the estate to be paid to the Rotary Club of Trail for the benefit of "the Club's Senior Citizens Home Project in Trail, and for the benefit of crippled children." The Club established a fund, the Erickson Trust Fund, and trustees of the fund disbursed funds to many projects over the period 1990 and 2018.

In 2018, the balance of the Erickson Trust Fund, $71,411, was transferred to the Le Roi Community Foundation for the purpose of establishing an endowed fund. It would be known as the Trail Rotary Erickson Fund. In keeping with Erickson's original intent for these funds, preference will be given to funding projects benefiting seniors housing and/or disadvantaged children or youth.